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  • Writer's pictureIvana Blecic

The summit is in your mind

We arrived at the Kibo Hut, the last camp out of which we start the final ascent, the conquest of the summit. You can feel the lack of oxygen in the air, but also nervousness, as well as fear in our team. Certain members are having stronger headaches, fatigue and nausea. All of these confirm that altitude sickness is among us, and all of those who have no symptoms, struggle to get to their breath while moving with slow steps, maybe because there is no other way.

Today’s entire day is focused on preparations for the final ascent, gear checking, arranging the departure time, climbing strategies. Mandatory rest is also implied, we are all trying to get some sleep before our departure on midnight. However, this was not that easy. Our minds are filled with fears, excitement, and anticipation.

We all gather around 23:20. Warmed up, ready – we listen to our main guide Paolo, who is climbing the Uhuru peak for the 231th time.

„The summit is in your mind“, is what he tells us. „It is conquered wisely, step by step. We believed in you since day 1, and now after three days, we know we made no mistake. Now it is your turn to justify the trust we had in you. We thank you for coming to conquer the top of Africa and remember that you are not just here to fulfill your dreams, you are here to help us feed our families.“

Now everything receives a new dimension. Even though this was never just any ascent, now it gets some common higher meaning for all of us.

The summit is now in my mind something completely different. I have been there many times, somehow I am sure that the peak is waiting for me and that it is already mine.

I look towards the Uhuru peak one last time before our adventure and I ask myself :“ Will this giant allow me to reach the its peak tonight?“


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