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Because the peak is the least crowded

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What is Kilimandzarenje?

Kilimandzarenje is a story about our adventure and our journey to the top of the highest peak in Africa.

A story about a group of friends, collegues, and adventurers and their conquest of one of the highest points on earth, all while pushing their own limits, both physically and mentally.

Mount Kilimnajaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania and consists of three volcanic cones: Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira. The mountain is part of the National Park of Kilimanjaro and is a large destination for mountain climbers.

Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain on earth that is not part of a mountain range, and while it has large glaciers and ice fields, they are projected to melt completely between 2030 and 2050.

Meet the Team

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Branko Kokir

Managing Director Merkur Games

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Ivana Blecic

Operations Manager Merkur Games

NLP Coach

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Vladimir Maksa

Sports Commentator

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Gordana Kokir


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David Kovacevic

Expedition leader

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Damjan Blecic

Former Handball player

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Janez Kranjc


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Andras Illes

CFO Merkur - Balkan Bet


Aleksandar Petrovic


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Contact us

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Branko Kokir

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Ivana Blečić

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Vladimir Maksa

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